12 November, 2008

Mt. Victoria or Khonu M'cuung (10500 ft)

Khonu M'cuung
Locally known as Khon Nu Son in Chin language is a designated National park under name of Nat Ma Taung with the core area of 446-squire kilometer situates in the Southern Chin hills is the southern out post of Himalayas, of a volcanic origin. This region generally isolated and possesses many species birds and plants. Some rare flowers found on its summit and nowhere else in the world. Mt. Victoria offers a great opportunity for bird watching activities. One can come across several species of birds of low land scarf forest through the high elevation up to the summit. Southern Chin state due to it isolation maintain the unique Chin tribal culture. The Chin are of Tibeto-Burman inhabit in the hills of Chin State bordering Bangladesh and India. As hill people, they have been isolated and to this day little is known of their animistic culture. Chin tribe women wearing various pattern of tattoo on their face and attractive amber necklaces.

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