08 November, 2008

Less harassment for refugees with MIES

Less harassment for refugees with MIES

By Nevash Nair November 04, 2008

Refugees in Malaysia under the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) programme will not, in the near future, have to worry about being harassed by the authorities.

Yesterday, the Immigration Department introduced its new biometric system to enable it to identify fake documents during raids. It will no longer be necessary to take the document holders back to its depot.

The Mobile Immigration Enforcement System (MIES) provides multilevel verification and authentication of the passports and fingerprints of foreign workers and nationals, anytime from any location.

Produced by Multimedia Glory Sdn Bhd, the new system has proven to be successful in the past.

Immigration enforcement chief Datuk Ishak Mohammad said all foreigners, including refugees, would be registered under the system.

Ishak said: "The Immigration department is talking with UNHCR to register refugees in Malaysia under this system. By doing so, we can check if the UNHCR cards are genuine or fake. This will enable enforcement officers to check their status, in real time."

The system was launched last year. The department has 160 of the devices, with each office having at least one.

However, Ishak feels another 30 MIES are needed. "With the system, we get to identify illegals immediately during a raid.

"Therefore, fewer arrests are made and we do not have to transport everybody to the Immigration lock-up to check on their status."

An MIES costs the government RM8,000 and it has more than 35 security features. The system can check the complete history of a person.

Immigration will share the system with the police and Rela, Ishak added.


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